Ah, Christmas. This looks like it will be one of the best in years, maybe even my life. With the rising amount of entertainment for the middle and lower classes, I have more opportunity than ever. I have made enough money this year to be able to buy a small turkey for my brother's family and me and Egbert. Before, I hadn't even closed the shop, much less celebrated in previous years. Though I'm not sure why this holiday celebration started, I enjoy it because it gives me a chance to look away from business issues and towards what little family I have.
I am planning on taking my brother's boys to get a tree for the celebration to decorate like the Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Like them, His children made a Christmas card of their own and sent it to me. It may be because I have no wife or children, but I appreciate this gesture of kindness.
Christmas crackers, though new, seem like they will fall out of popularity soon. The are good crackers, but the social aspect of it paired with the silly hats will cause people to be drawn away from it soon enough. I have been perused by many to start giving them out with furniture, as is the business norm, but it is just a waste of money. Unless they pay for them separately, they are not getting anything more than what they order. That is how business should be.
Though meager the feast shall be, it shall be joyous and exciting. It will most likely resemble Lewis Caroll"s A Christmas Carol. That is currently one of my favorite books, considering ass well that i do not read very well and have but four books from my lack of education and means to buy books.
I love A Christmas Carol. It is a wonderful story. Christmas is such a nice time of year.